ABC Polygraph & Investigations, 2001 to present
Schoolcraft, MI
Responsibilities: CEO, Licensed Polygraph Examiner and Private Investigator
Calhoun Area Career Center, 2001-2016
Battle Creek, MI
Responsibilities: Criminal Justice/Criminal Psychology Instructor
Michigan State Police, 1973-2001 (retired)
Detective Lieutenant (1994 to 2001) 6th District Headquarters, Grand Rapids, MI
Responsibilities: Specialized in interviews, interrogations, hostage negotiations, and polygraph examinations
Other positions held at MSP:
• Michigan State Police Sergeant
• Licensed Polygraph Examiner
• Instructor at the Michigan State Police Training Academy
• Commanding officer of Michigan State Police Hostage Negotiators
• Member of the Michigan State Police Emergency Services Team
• Hostage Negotiator
• Michigan State Police Trooper
• D.A.R.E. Officer, assisting in program development for the Michigan State Police and teaching the program to state-wide officers and students
• Juvenile Investigator
Internship(600 hours), January to June 1994
Van Buren County Community Mental Health
Paw Paw, MI
Responsibilities: Provided intakes, clinical assessments, individual
therapy, and psychological and intellectual testing in a mental
health hospital
Practicum Experience, September to December 1993
Western Michigan University Counseling Center
(64 hours under supervision)
Responsibilities: Provided individual counseling with clients
through the university's counseling program
Western Michigan University
Master of Arts Degree: Clinical Psychology
Graduated, June 1994
Michigan State Police Academy
Michigan State Police Trooper
Graduated, August 1973
Central Michigan University
Bachelor of Science Degree: Biology/Psychology
Graduated, May 1973
Teaching Experience
Michigan State Police Academy
Instructed interview and interrogation, criminal sexual assault, and hostage negotiation, 1993 to 2001
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Instructed interview and interrogation and certified hostage negotiators, 1999 to 2006
Delta College
Instructed hostage negotiation and interview and interrogation, 1999 to 2000
Kellogg Community College
Instructed interview and interrogation, 1999 to 2004
Schoolcraft College
Instructed and certified hostage negotiators
Lake Michigan Community College
Instructed interview and interrogation, 1996 to 1997
Eastern Michigan University
Instructed patrol and procedure in the Criminal Justice program, 1978 to 1979
Professional Organizations
Member of the Michigan Association of Polygraph
Examiners, 1989 to present
Member of the American Polygraph Association, 1996 to present
Past member of the Michigan State Police Command Officers
Association, 1993 to 2001